The rules of play for the Yestingsmeier Cup were inspired by the Ryder Cup match but are slightly modified to be a little more interesting for the players and spectators.
Best Ball Match Play
“Best Ball” is a match play between two teams consisting of two players each. Both players from each team play their own ball until holed. The player with the lowest score on the hole is considered that teams “Best Ball”. The team with the lowest “Best Ball” on the hole wins that hole. If each team’s “Best Ball” is the same that hole is said to be “halved”.
The match is scored by how many holes you are up or down at any point in the match. A match is decided when a team is up more holes than holes remaining. If match is tied with no holes remaining that match is said to be “halved”.
Each match is worth 1 point to the winning team. If a match is tied each team receives ½ point.
Selective Drive/Alternate Shot Match Play
“Selective Drive/Alternate Shot” is match play between two teams consisting of two players each. Both players on a team tee off and then choose which ball they will play for the remainder of the hole. Play then progresses with players alternating hitting the ball. The team who reaches the hole in the fewest strokes wins the hole. If each team scores the same, the hole is said to be “halved”.
The match is scored by how many holes you are up or down at any point in the match. A match is decided when a team is up more holes than holes remaining. If the match is tied with no holes remaining that match is said to be “halved”.
Each match is worth 1 point to the winning team. If a match is tied each team receives ½ point.
Singles Match Play
“Singles Match” is a match play between two individual players. Each player plays their own ball for the entirety of the hole. The player who reaches the hole in the fewest strokes wins the hole.
The match is scored by how many holes you are up or down at any point in the match. A match is decided when an individual player is up more holes than holes remaining. If the match is tied with no holes remaining that match is said to be “halved”.
Each match is worth 1 point to the winning team. If a match is tied each team receives ½ point.
A match is scored by how many holes you are up or down at any point in the match. For example, if Team A has won 4 holes and Team B has won 3 holes, Team A would be “1 Up”. A match is decided when a team is up more holes than holes remaining. For example, if in a match Team A is “4 Up” with only 3 holes remaining the match would be over and the result would be Team A wins the match “4 and 3” or “4 up with 3 holes remaining”. If the match is tied with no holes remaining that match is said to be “halved”.
Each match is worth 1 point to the winning team. If a match is tied each team receives ½ point.
Play generally continues until one team is mathematically eliminated from winning the match or until the full 9 or 18 holes are played, whichever comes first. However, players may continue play through an entire 9 or 18 hole match by mutual agreement. This is especially true if one of the players has an exceptionally low score in the making. This occurred in 2014 when Lucas Beck shot a 62 (10 under par) at the Brickyard Crossing course:
Final Results
On the first day of the Yestingsmeier Cup, the match is conducted via 9-hole “Best Ball” play (12 total points possible) followed by 9-hole “Selective Drive/Alternate Shot” play (12 total points possible) . On the second day of the Yestingsmeier Cup, the match is conducted via 18-hole “Singles Match” (24 total points possible).
The entire match therefore has 48 possible points and a team wins the Yestingsmeier Cup after reaching 24½ points. The match is said to be tied or “halved” if after all matches have been completed the result is 24 points to each team, at which time the team that won the previous year retains the Yestingsmeier Cup (this has occurred on four occasions: 2009, 2016, 2019, and 2023).
The results when tabulated will look something like this:
In the above results from the 2019 Yestingsmeier Cup, the final score ended in a 24-24 tie. In that situation, the team that held the cup from the previous year, retains it.